Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What a fun night!? Ugh!

So...last night, we woke up to Felicity crying for her "night-night", aka blanket. When I went in to get her, she started throwing-up everywhere! Poor little girl. It scared her more than anything. I got her all cleaned up, then brought her into bed with us.

This morning, she started to throw up again! Not much this time, but still! So, since she has been up, she has kept down several crackers, water and some kix cereal (just dry). I'm pretty sure she is feeling much better, as she is completely back to her normal bossy self! LOL.

Yesterday, the ice cream truck came down our street for the first time this summer. It was so fun. I grabbed both kids and we ran outside. Felicity ordered a "Dora" ice cream, which had gumballs for eyes. I told her she could eat all of it except for the eyes, so she kept telling me later "I can't eat the eyes. They're gum." It was so "matter-of-fact". Westley had a ball too, as you'll be able to see from the pictures below.

Westley was Mr. Crankypants all day. However, this AM, we can see 2 more bottom teeth just about to poke through the gums. Hopefully they will come through soon. I'm learning more each day how different these two really are! I remember with Felicity's teething, we never even knew she was teething! We just saw the slits in her gums one day, and teeth popping through the next! Westley, on the other hand, will whine for DAYS before the teeth come through! (Definitely part of his red-headedness.)

Westley started walking last week (he's been working on it for about a month now). I'd say he is 95% walking now, and has even mastered getting up off the floor to standing, without holding onto something. We tried putting shoes on him the other day, and he had NO IDEA what to do with them! It was so cute! We'll keep trying until he gets used to them. I cannot believe he will be 1 in just over a month! Totally scary!

He also says "dag" (dog) all the time now, and even says "git" (get it) when the dog is playing with his ball. He randomly says "mama" and "dada", but it's so cute to hear!

I've posted a "New Mommy Survival Kit" on my Etsy store. It includes a nursing cover, burp cloth, bib, diaper clutch and a wipes case. All in matching fabrics. I'll be posting 2 more later today.

I've really got to get better at this blogging thing. I'm going to try to start posting at least once a week. :)

Oh well, for now, I hear Westley talking away! Guess he's ready to eat again!